Here you can get all the information about all the disease and how they occur. And how to get RID of that. And what supplement we should take for that. If you have any doubts or information please comment on us.
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
What is Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure measures the force in the arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. The pressure is determined by the strength and the amount of blood pumped, the size and flexibility of the arteries.
Blood pressure is constantly changing depending on activity, temperature, diet, emotional state, posture, physical state, and the use of drugs.
Alternative Names:
Diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure
Joint Pain Treatment
The pain depends on the underlying cause. Treatment of joint pain due to injury includes rest, elevation, anti-inflammatory drugs, cold compresses, and surgery. Continued treatment of pain caused by inflammation or infection include warm compresses, weight loss, and antibiotics. Treatment of pain caused by arthritis includes physiotherapy, oral corticosteroids, drugs that suppress the immune system, and joint replacement surgery.
Joint Pain Symptoms
Symptoms may present with joint pain due to infection or inflammation are fever, joint swelling, redness, warmth, and stiffness. The symptoms are pain in the joints caused by injury include inflammation of joints and deformity
Joint pain
Personal discomfort, joint pain is common. The most common cause of pain is a common injury, such as distortion. Other causes of pain in a joint are arthritis bursitis, tendonitis, and septic. The most common causes of pain in multiple joints is osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or pseudogout.
Monday, 15 August 2011
How Is Lung Cancer Treated?
CT or MRI, or both. Computer images can be either of these tests, which allows the lungs seen in thin slices, clearly showing all the growth in the lungs. These tests can be performed in other parts of the body, if you suspect that growth may have spread to other parts of the body.
For more detailed information regarding this test, go to the MRI.
For more information about the TC, go to the CT scan.
Other analysis techniques include various forms of the scan and bone scan. These tests can help detect whether the cancer has spread to other organs in the body or bones. A low dose of harmless radioactive substance is injected into a vein, and as she moves around the body scanning machine specialist is able to record the levels of radioactivity in the body. Since the absorption of radioactive material in different areas of the body affected by cancer, these areas are easily identifiable.
A more specialized test called mediastinoscopy may be offered. This procedure is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. A narrow telescope as a camera can be attached, is inserted into the front of the chest through a small incision, or sometimes through a small incision in the neck. A tissue sample can then be removed lymph nodes and other surrounding tissue.
The understanding of lung cancer "staging"
"Staging" is a method that was developed to describe the extent of tumor growth, which is based on the results of a biopsy and other investigations. This information can help predict how a single unit price over time. Staging of cancer is also possible to change the medical treatment of cancer by an individual.
In patients with lung cancer, assembly methods used for lung cancer non-small cell, representing approximately 80% of all cancers.
The TNM system of cancer is defined as follows:
T (tumor)
N (for nodes)
M (for metastasis or spread of cancer)
T refers to the size of the tumor itself:
TX and T0 - The tumor cells were found in sputum or lung tissue, but can not be seen.
Tis - Carcinoma in situ, meaning that the cells are cancerous, but the growth shows no sign of spread.
T1 - The tumor is small, however, content in the lung and has not reached the main airway.
T2 - The tumor has one or more of the following characteristics: it is larger than 3 cm, involving the airways, is close to the trachea, which won the membrane covering the lungs, lung tissue is damaged or inflamed, but not influenced the entire lung.
T3 - The tumor has invaded the chest wall, diaphragm, membrane covering the organs in the chest or the outer wall of the membrane around the heart and / or it has affected the entire lung.
T4 - The tumor has invaded the area between the lungs, heart, great vessels of the heart, trachea, esophagus, or vertebral column, and / or different tumors are present in the same lobe of the lung, and / or cancer is present in the fluid between the membrane covering the lungs and the lungs (pleural effusion).
How is Lung Cancer Diagnosed?
If the doctor suspects cancer, he or she will:
Read about your medical history
Perform a physical examination
As part of taking your medical history, your doctor will ask about:
Whether you smoke or have smoked in the past
Your occupation
Whether you have been exposed to certain substances or radiation industrial
Whether you have a family history of lung cancer
Medical tests that can be performed:
X-ray. This is the first and crucial test will be ordered.
CT or MRI. These tests are highly skilled with computer-generated images showing the divisions and other views of the lungs.
Sputum tests. This is a study under a microscope, a sample of mucus you cough. If an abnormality seen on a radiograph is suggestive of a cancer, a sputum test to be ordered. Although this test is generally not as sensitive as biopsy, in many cases, microscopic examination of expectorated cells will reveal cancer.
Biopsy. This removal of the sample of body tissue examined under a microscope. A biopsy is the most common way that a doctor can be absolutely certain that lung cancer is present. A doctor who specializes in analysis of the tissue (a pathologist) will then be able to see what kind of cell growth and cancer cells that it is
What Causes Lung Cancer?
The most common cause of lung cancer is smoking.
Smoking causes lung cancer because there are substances in tobacco that are known to cause cancer. These substances are known carcinogens (which means "carcinogens"), and it is the carcinogens that cause real damage to cells in the lungs. A cell that is damaged, it can become cancerous over time.
We can not predict which smokers are at increased risk of developing lung cancer. In general, however, the chances of a smoker developing cancer depends on:
Age a person started smoking
For how long a person has smoked
How many cigarettes per day a person smokes
Passive smoking - breathing other people's smoke - can also increase the risk of developing lung cancer.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
What is the treatment for mumps in adults and children?
The mainstay of treatment (age) is to provide comfort in this self-limited disease. Taking analgesics (acetaminophen, ibuprofen) and applying hot or cold compresses are swollen and inflamed salivary glands in the region can be of help.
What causes mumps? How is mumps spread?
The mumps virus is a single-stranded RNA contained in a two-layer shell that provides features signature virus immune. Only one type of mumps virus has been shown to exist (unlike many viruses that cause colds).
Mumps is highly contagious and spread quickly among members living indoors. The virus most frequently transmitted directly from person to person through respiratory droplets. Less often, respiratory droplets can land on contaminated materials (sheets, pillows, clothing) and then transmitted through hand to mouth after handling these issues. The incubation period from exposure to the virus and the onset of symptoms is 14-18 days. The excretion of the virus is short and the patient should be isolated from other sensitive issues for the first five days after the onset of swelling of the salivary (parotid) glands
What is mumps?
Mumps is a viral infection transmitted by humans and only affects. While the salivary glands (parotid glands mainly) are well known to be involved in a mumps infection, many other organ systems are also experiencing the viral effect. There is no cure for mumps, but the disease is short (seven to 10 days) and disappears spontaneously. Before the introduction of the vaccine against mumps, the highest rate of new cases of mumps were reported in late winter to early spring.
Prevent kidney stones
The person who has had more than one kidney stone are likely to form a second, so if possible, prevention is important. If you want to discover the cause, your doctor will order laboratory tests, including tests of urine and blood. The doctor may also ask the patient's medical history, occupation, and dietary habits. If the stone is removed, or if the patient has passed a stone and saved, the stone analysis laboratory can assist physicians in treatment planning.
The doctor may ask patients to collect urine for 24 hours, the stone is worn or removed. 24-hour urine collection, the patient is given a large container, which is in the fridge between trips to the bathroom. Measured by the amount of urine collection and the level of acidity, calcium, sodium, uric acid, oxalate, citrate, and creatinine, a product of muscle metabolism. The doctor uses this information to the cause of the stone. Additional 24 hours of urine collection may be necessary if treatment is prescribed.
What causes kidney stones?
Doctors do not always know what causes a stone to form. While certain foods may promote stone formation in people who are susceptible, scientists do not believe that eating a particular food will have the stones to train people who are not receptive.
Personal family history of kidney stones may be more likely to develop kidney. Urinary tract infections, kidney disorders such as cystic kidney disease, and certain metabolic disorders such as hyperparathyroidism are also linked to the formation of kidney stones.
In addition, over 70 percent of people with a rare hereditary disease called renal tubular acidosis develop kidney stones.Cystinuria and hyperoxaluria are two other rare, inherited metabolic diseases that often cause kidney stones. In cystinuria, too much amino acid cystine, which does not dissolve in urine, decay, leading to the formation of stones made of cystine. In patients with hyperoxaluria, the body produces too much oxalate, a salt. When the urine contains more oxalate than can be dissolved, the crystals and stones down form.
Hypercalciuria is inherited and can cause stones in more than half of patients. Calcium is absorbed from food in excess and is lost in urine. This high level of calcium in the urine causes crystals of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate to form in the kidneys or elsewhere in the urinary tract.
Other causes of kidney stones are hyperuricosuria, which is a disorder of uric acid metabolism, gout, excess intake of vitamin D, urinary tract infections and urinary tract obstruction. Some diuretics, also called diuretics, and calcium-based antacids may increase the risk of kidney stones by increasing the amount of calcium in the urine.
Calcium oxalate stones may be also people suffering from chronic inflammatory bowel disease or who have undergone surgery for intestinal bypass or ostomy surgery. As mentioned above, struvite stones can form people who have had a urinary tract infection. People taking protease inhibitors indinavir, a drug used to treat HIV infection, may also be at increased risk of developing kidney stones.
Who gets kidney stones?
For unknown reasons, the number of people in the United States with kidney stones has increased over the past 30 years. At the end of 1970, less than 4 percent of the population had stone-forming disease. In early 1990, part of the disease in the population had grown to more than 5 percent. Caucasians are more prone to develop kidney stones of African-Americans. Stones occur more frequently in men. The incidence of kidney stones rises dramatically as men enter the age of 40 and continues to increase among the 70. In women, the incidence of kidney stones peaks in their 50 When a person receives more than a stone, other stones are likely to develop.
kidney stone?
What is a kidney stone?
A kidney stone is a hard mass developed from crystals that separate from urine in the urinary tract. Normally, urine contains chemicals that prevent or inhibit the formation of crystals. These inhibitors do not seem to work for everyone, however, some people form stones. If the crystals remain small enough will travel through the urinary tract and leave the body in urine without being noticed.
Kidney stones may contain various combinations of chemicals. The most common type of calculation contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate. These chemicals are part of the normal diet of a person and are part of the body such as bones and muscles.
A less common type of stone is caused by a urinary tract infection. This type of stone is called struvite or infection stone. Another type of stone, uric acid stones are less common, and cystine stones are rare.
symptoms of chickenpox
Healthy children is usually detected in the two days of fever, sore throat and general malaise for about two weeks after exposure to VZV. Within 24 hours of symptoms, a rash develops typical first, and then spreads to the body of the next seven to 10 days outside the head, hands and feet. The rash progresses to predict the evolution of a red papule ("bug bite"), the appearance of blisters ("cysts") is a pimple, and then crusts over. Vesicle and pustular fluids are very focused on the detection of infectious viral particles. New lesions are typically "waves" on the skin surface. The patient can then be a new formation of papules, vesicles and pustules middle-aged and crusted lesions at the same time. At the top of the disease, the patient may have more than 300 skin lesions at the same time. When all lesions are crusting over, the person is no longer contagious. Lesions rarely cause permanent scarring unless secondary infection develops (see below).
The lesions usually found in the mouth and may also include the genitals
Chickenpox Causes
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox. The disease is highly contagious - for more than 90% of non-immunized individuals will develop chickenpox after exposure. VZV is transmitted as well as directly on the skin-to-skin contact and through respiratory droplets (eg coughing, sneezing), by an infected individual. Even though the average incubation period of exposure to onset of symptoms of the virus is 12-14 days, a larger window of 10-21 days post-exposure is quoted in the literature.
Chickenpox Overview
Chickenpox, also known as chicken pox is highly contagious and self-limiting infection, which occurs most commonly in children 5-10 years of age. The disease has a worldwide distribution and is reported throughout the temperate zones. Peak is usually the case during the period March to May. Lifelong immunity to chickenpox is usually followed by illness. If the patient's immune system is not completely clear the body of the virus, may withdraw from the bodies of sensory nerve cells of the skin, where it is protected from the patient's immune system. Disease, herpes zoster (also known as "shingles") represents the release of the virus throughout the length of the nerve fibers of the skin and produces a characteristic rash painful. Shingles is the most common disease in adults
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
causes of liver cancer
Possible causes of liver cancer
United States, primary liver cancer is rare. About 5,000 new cases are diagnosed in this country each year, representing less than 1 / 2 of 1 percent of all cancers.
In other parts of the world, however, primary liver cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer and causes more deaths than any other cancer. Worldwide, this disease is a major health problem. Rates are highest in Asia and Africa and is supposed to be related to infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV).
Researchers estimate that 10-20 percent of people infected with HBV will develop liver cancer. This viral infection is common in developing countries. Many infants are infected with HBV at birth, due to the high prevalence of infection in women of childbearing age. This is important because researchers believe that the longer you have been infected with the virus, the greater the likelihood of developing liver cancer. Evidence of HBV infection can be found in almost one quarter of Americans with liver cancer. The use of hepatitis B vaccine is recommended to protect healthcare workers and others who are often exposed to this virus. The researchers found that people in some diseases of the liver is more likely to develop the average primary liver cancer. For example, about 5 percent of people who have been diagnosed with liver cirrhosis (a progressive disease that leads to scarring of the liver) eventually develop liver cancer.
Aflatoxins, a group of chemicals produced by a fungus that sometimes contaminate certain foods such as peanuts, grains and seeds, are known carcinogens (carcinogens) and liver cancer. As a precaution, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration monitors the safety and quality of these foods and products containing them. If these foods grow mold when they are acquired, they must be destroyed.
Vinyl chloride, an industrial gas used primarily in the manufacture of plastics and formerly used as aerosol propellant, has been identified as a cause of angiosarcoma, another form of liver cancer. This rare type of cancer found in workers exposed to Thorotrast half X-ray contrast (no longer in use). There were also reports of angiosarcoma in people who have taken anabolic steroids and birth control pills, although this is rare.
Symptoms of liver cancer
Liver cancer is difficult to identify at an early stage because early symptoms are usually vague. As with other cancers, this disease can cause a general feeling of health. Liver cancer can lead to loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, fatigue and weakness. As the tumor grows, patients may have pain that starts on the right side of the upper abdomen and back and stretches the shoulder. Some patients may feel the upper abdomen.
Liver cancer can also lead to bloating and a feeling of fullness or bloating. Patients may have episodes of fever and nausea. Some patients develop jaundice, a condition in which the skin and whites of the eyes become yellow, urine may become dark. Symptoms like these may be due to primary or secondary liver tumors, a benign (not cancerous) liver tumors or other conditions. Symptoms you should tell your doctor so that the diagnosis can be made.
However, it was determined that cirrhosis is a precancerous condition in fact, some research suggests that lifestyle factors like alcohol consumption and malnutrition, both due to cirrhosis and liver cancer.
What is diarrhea?
Diarrhea is an increase in stool frequency or decrease in the form of stool (greater looseness of stool). Although changes in stool frequency and the loosening of stools can vary independently of each other, changes often occur in both.
Diarrhea must be distinguished from the other four conditions. Although these conditions may accompany diarrhea, often have different causes and treatments of diarrhea. These other conditions are as follows:
incontinence of feces, which is the inability to manage (the delay), the gut until the appropriate time, for example, until a second access to the toilet
rectal urgency, which is a sudden urge to have bowel movements that are so strong that if a toilet is not immediately available, there will incontinence
incomplete evacuation, a sensation that another stool is needed quickly after bowel movements, but it's hard stool more the second time
stools immediately after a meal
treatment for white hair in young age
1 / 2 to 1 liter of yogurt a day is a great solution.
2spoons milk with wheat germ also gives satisfactory results.
Foods rich in iodine - the fish, carrots and bananas are highly recommended because they maintain the health of your hair.
Supplement your diet with multivitamins and multimineral capsules are also recommended.
Make curry leaves (raw) part of your daily diet. They add that the health of your hair and breathe new life into the roots.
Massage the scalp with the juice of gooseberry and lime juice and leave overnight to obtain the desired results.
Keep your hair and scalp clean. Wash hair at least 4 times a week. The hygiene of the scalp go a long way in determining the health of your hair.
In addition, the artificial hair color. Do more harm than good.
causes of white hair
White hair means you are getting old - or at least. However, the cause of white hair is not as simple as that. It is true that the white coat is a sign of aging, but the time the hair starts to money is directly related to their genes. Scientific research has interesting developments in the way of heredity, medical conditions and external stressors can cause white hair.
White Hair: How does it
The amount of pigment or melanin in each individual hair follicle is regulated by a special stem cells called melanocytes. Each melanocyte cell is "preset" to run during a specific period of time, after which he died. After stopping the functioning melanocytes, the hair follicle begins to grow pigmented or white. A mixture of black hair and a few gray hairs can give the visual illusion that the person has gray hair, but a head of hair that is totally without pigment is white.
When you have white hair?
An article in the New York Times reported that Caucasians generally start to notice white son first, sometimes in the mid-30, while the descent Asian and African-American begins to turn gray later. About 50 percent of the population age-50 is 50 percent gray. According to a 2005 report published in "Journal of Investigative Dermatology," the age when your melanocytes start-stop function is largely hereditary.
Medical causes
Some medical conditions are known to cause white hair turn prematurely. Those born with a genetic condition called vitiligo - a form of albinism - a tuft of hair unpigmented. Research shows that people with this condition lack an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide, resulting in increased concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, not only in the hair, but skin as well. Thyroid disease and anemia can also cause hair turn white.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
treatment for osteoporosis
The impact of osteoporosis is a fatal disease and acceptable, but the good news is that drugs against osteoporosis are available to prevent the results. Bone problem is directly related to a lack of vitamin D and calcium. Osteoporosis treatment is to relieve the pain by taking drugs against osteoporosis prescribed under expert guidance. Patients should be informed about the potential loss of bone mass and fractures to avoid the likely effects of osteoporosis on his life. Milk is a complete food, and thus to include it in your daily diet. Preventive measures can be taken as a treatment for osteoporosis, such as avoiding junk food habits, alcohol and smoking. Monitor your health with regular visits to a doctor. Exercise is the best treatment for osteoporosis. Surgery is if and only if the drug works osteoporosis is not recommended.
types and symptoms
Osteoporosis Symptoms
Severe back pain and fractures, broken bones, injuries, shortness of breath and a slight increase, but a regular pain in the bones are some general symptoms of osteoporosis. As with normal activities, such as coughing or sneezing are the pressure and weak bones usually break. The patient is in difficulty in walking and moving parts of the body, these symptoms of osteoporosis disrupt daily activities. Significant changes in body posture, such as the thickness and shortness of breath may indicate the symptoms of osteoporosis. Effects of osteoporosis, a slow but steady nature, easily paralyze the patient.
Types of Osteoporosis
Primary and secondary education are two types of osteoporosis, primary osteoporosis is classified into three types, especially in postmenopausal osteoporosis, age, and idiopathic. Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, occurs because of the loss of estrogen after menopause in women. It is triggered by the bones of the vertebrae and wrist. Age-related osteoporosis is due to fracture of the pelvis, spine and wrist due to a lack of vitamin D and calcium. Idiopathic osteoporosis occurs suddenly for no apparent reason early to make the bone brittle and weak and off automatically when the child becomes an adult stage. This type of osteoporosis is also involved in some of the most common symptoms of osteoporosis. Among the major types of idiopathic osteoporosis rarely diagnosed. Osteoporosis drugs to manage all these guys.
causes of osteoporosis
Genetics play a crucial role in the causes of osteoporosis where patient with family history is more likely to develop osteoporosis symptoms. Inactive lifestyle or business environment with lack of physical exercises restrains major bone movements and this ultimately affects the bone growth. Patient with such a lifestyle unknowingly contributes to the causes of osteoporosis. Common factors influencing causes of osteoporosis are under developed bones, lack of calcium in daily diet, excess alcohol and tobacco consumption and slim body postures. Fractures in arms, legs & back bones are at high risk in elderly patients because of low bone mass; these fractures are highly concluded as probable causes of osteoporosis. Reconstruction and treatment for osteoporosis in these patients are painful. Hormonal changes in the females before or after menopause period increases risk of osteoporosis symptoms.
treatment for low back pain in women
A wide range of treatments available for lower back pain, according to what is causing the pain and how long it lasts. Most people find that their back pain improves within a few weeks. Chances are good that your pain will disappear soon with some basic self-care.
When considering the treatment of low back pain, consider the following:
If you have recently developed back pain, stay active and consider on-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, for example) or anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Examples of NSAIDs are ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve or Naprosyn). Staying active is better for you than bed rest. In fact, stay in bed more than 1 or 2 days actually worsen your pain and lead to other problems such as stiff joints and weakening muscles.
People who understand their back pain are more satisfied. Be sure to ask your doctor or physiotherapist if you have questions about symptoms, how to manage back pain, or activities you can do or not do.
If back pain has lasted more than 3 months, you will probably benefit from more intensive treatment. Programs combine strength training exercises and operations, you can add a function to control pain and often effective.3
Surgery is rarely necessary with low back pain. Even if you have a herniated disc or nerve damage, is likely to improve without surgery.
After having back pain when the pain is likely to return. To avoid other problems, keep your back and stomach muscles strong, good posture, learn the best way to lift heavy objects, and learn to manage stress.
The treatment of acute low back pain
Acute low back pain is pain that lasted less than three months. If you have recently started having lower back pain, there is a good chance it will get better in a few weeks. Most back pain will be better if you take the following steps:
For the first day or two, rest in a comfortable position. Try lying on your side with a pillow between your knees. Or lie on your back on the floor with a pillow under your knees. Do not stay in one position too long, however. Every 2 or 3 hours, take a short walk (10 to 20 minutes), then find a comfortable position to rest again.
Take painkillers if needed, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or medicines that reduce pain, swelling and irritation, such as ibuprofen (eg Advil or Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve or Naprosyn like). For some people, these drugs work best if taken at regular intervals.
Try using a heating pad on low or medium term from 15 to 20 minutes every 2 or 3 hours. Try a hot shower instead of a session with a heating pad. You can also purchase disposable heat wraps that last up to 8 hours. You can also try an ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes every 2 to 3 hours. There is no strong evidence that heat or ice will help. But you can try to see if they help you. You can also try switching between heat and cold.
Whenever possible, return to their normal activities. Movement helps your muscles stay strong. Staying in bed for more than 1 or 2 days can actually make the problem worse.
risk factors of low back pain in women
In the best known cases, the pain starts after an injury lifting a heavy object, or after a sudden movement. Not all people have back pain after such injuries, however. In most cases, back pain causes are unknown.
Intervertebral discs begin deteriorating and growing thinner and 30. A third of adults over 20 show signs of herniated disc (although only 3% of these disks cause symptoms). As people continue to age and the discs lose moisture and shrink, the risk for spinal stenosis. The incidence of back pain and sciatica increases in women during menopause because they lose bone density. In the elderly, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis are common. However, the risk for back pain does not rise steadily with age, suggesting that, at some point, the conditions that cause low back pain plateau.
High-risk industries
Work with lifting, bending and twisting in awkward positions, as well as those that cause workers place the whole-body vibration (such as long distance truck driving) in a particular risk for low back pain. The more a person continues such work, the more at risk. Some workers wear back support belts, but the evidence strongly suggests that they are useful only to people who currently have low back pain. Belts recently added support for the back, and do not prevent back injuries.
Several companies are developing programs to protect against back injuries. However, studies have been mixed results of operations of the company. Employers and workers must do everything possible to create a safe working environment. Office workers should have chairs, desks and equipment that support the back or help maintain good posture.
Low back pain accounts for significant losses in workdays and dollars. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, back pain was 62% of cases of people missing work due to pain that affects the upper body. A 2004 study analyzed the costs of health care in the United States. Cost analysis is the pain more than 90 billion, including $ 26 million was spent directly in the treatment of back pain. The study found that the amount of money spent on health care for people with back pain was 1.6 times greater than the cost of health care for people without back pain.
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by progressive loss of bone density, thinning of bone tissue, and increased susceptibility to fractures. Osteoporosis can lead to illness, hormonal or nutritional deficiency or advanced age. Regular exercise and vitamins and minerals can reduce and even reverse the loss of bone density.
The psychological and social factors
Psychological factors are known to play a strong influence on the three phases of low back pain:
Some evidence suggests preexisting depression and the inability to cope is likely to anticipate the pain of physical problems. Style "passive" coping (do not want to deal with the problems) was strongly associated with risk of developing disabling neck or low back pain.
Social and psychological factors as well as job satisfaction, perception of the seriousness of the whole person in their share of back pain. For example, one study compared truck drivers and bus drivers. Almost all the drivers enjoy their work. Half of them reported back pain, but only 24% lost time at work. Bus drivers, however, reported job satisfaction much lower than truck drivers, and these workers with back pain were significantly more absences than the number of truck drivers, in spite of less stress on shoulders. Similarly, another study found that pilots, who generally reported "loving their jobs," he reported back problems much less of its crew. Yet another study reported that a small investment, low social support, and the high stress of soldiers associated with a higher risk of disabling back pain.
The depression and the tendency to develop physical complaints in response to stress also increase the likelihood that acute back pain becomes chronic. As the patient feels pain and can deal at the beginning of an acute attack may actually condition of the patient, either to restore or develop a chronic illness. Those who overreact to the pain and fear in their long-term outlook tend to feel out of control and become discouraged, increasing the risk of long-term problems.
Studies also suggest that patients who reported prolonged emotional distress have less favorable outcomes after back surgery. It must be strongly emphasized that the presence of psychological factors do not diminish the reality of pain and disabling effects. The recognition of this presence as a major player in many cases of low back pain, but can help determine the full range of treatment options.
causes of low back pain in women
Other causes of back pain you have kidney problems, pregnancy problems and ovarian tumors.
Kidney problems
Infections or kidney stones and kidney traumatic bleeding (hematoma) are frequently associated with low back pain. Diagnosis may include a urinalysis, analysis of sound waves (ultrasound), or other imaging of the abdomen.
Pregnancy often causes lower back pain in the lumbar spine, mechanical stress (change in the normal lumbar curvature) and the location of the baby inside the stomach. In addition, the effect of the hormones estrogen and relaxin release ligaments contribute to the solution of the ligaments and structures of the spine. Pelvic-tilt exercises and stretches are often recommended to relieve the pain. Women are also recommended to maintain fitness during pregnancy as advised by their doctors.
Ovarian Problems
Ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis is a rare cause of low back pain. Accurate diagnosis may require a pelvic examination and testing.
Lower back pain can be caused by tumors, both benign or malignant tumors that originate in the bones of the spine or pelvis and spinal cord (primary tumors) and who have come from elsewhere and the spread of these areas (metastasis). Symptoms range from localized pain and radiating pain and loss of nerve and muscle function (including incontinence of urine and stool) depending on whether the cancer affecting the nervous tissue. Tumors of these areas are detected by imaging tests, such as the simple X-ray, nuclear bone scan and CAT scan and magnetic resonance
treatment for brain tumor
We take a view that the disease lies in the fact that there is an abnormal growth taking place inside the brain - but that on its own is not the disease and is only a manifestation of the disease which is causing the growth in the first place. Removing the Brain Tumour surgically only temporarily alleviates the problems at the huge risk of a surgical operaiton, but does not address the disease at all - which is not the tumor but the reason why the tumor is growing.
And hence even after surgery there is a very high degree of instances when there is a new tumor growth seen in the same patient - which may be growing faster than the earlier one. It is because of this problem that all Brain Tumor patients who have undergone surgical treatment are advised to go for routine MRI scans at intervals of 4 to 6 months depending on the case. So that as soon as a new tumor is detected a repeat of the surgery is suggested. However, brain surgery is amongst the most risk prone of all surgeries.
It is important to point out that our patients of Brain Tumor come afflicted with all kinds of Brain Tumors - Astrocytoma - Low Grade and High Grade, Meningioma, Schwannonma, Lymphoma, Pituitary Adenoma, Glioblastoma and cover all the Grades I to IV.
We treat them exclusively using the Advanced Homeopathic treatments created by Dr. Parimal Banerji. These are specific repeatable procedures created for different types of Brain Tumor. Our treatment does not involve any kind of surgery as patients come to us to avoid surgery considering the risks and short comings associated with the surgical intervention of the brain.
It is also important to point out - that since our clinics, that have been operating since 1918 and in a more organised manner since the late 1950's under Dr. Parimal Banerji - do not have listings anywhere and all the patients who find us because they are aware of someone who has been relieved by our treatment in the past of a similar or more severe form of the disease they have come to seek our attention for.
As can be seen from the list of cases mentioned below the prognosis with our treatment has been very encouraging for patients of all age groups and almost the entire spectrum of Brain Tumours. Our treatment strategy aims to achieve the following:
- Take care of any kind of pains the patient may be suffering from
- Provide treatment for the Brain Tumor with an objective to immediately redress the most pressing symptoms being suffered by the patient. This may inlcude:
- Seizures
- Convulsions
- Loss of function leading to paralytic condition of the patient that prevents him to continue the normal life functions that allows the patient to carry on an independant life.
- Loss of vision or ability to eat
- Dementia - or loss of memory or ability to perform some specific mental functions
- In majority of the cases - as sited in the list below - the patient is able to see these acute symptoms of Brain Tumor improving in a matter of weeks. However, this is dependent on each individual case.
- Gradually we are seeing that the patient's condition keeps on improving and after a few months when subsequent CT or MRI scans are performed it is seen that the size of the tumor is diminishing steadily. However, even without the scans it is quite obvious that the Brain Tumor is improving because the blatant symptoms that were being exhibited like loss of vision, lack of control of limbs and muscles, siezures, etc.
- For patients who have already gone for an operation for Brain Tumour it is observed that our medication re3duces the chances of growth of new tumou
risk factors of brain tumor
Although doctors are not sure what causes genetic mutations that can lead to primary brain tumors, we identified the factors that may increase the risk of a brain tumor. Risk factors include:
Your race. Brain tumors occur more frequently among whites than they do in other races. An exception is meningioma, which occurs more frequently among blacks.
Your age. The risk of a brain tumor increases with age. Brain tumors are more common in older adults. However, brain tumors can occur at any age. And certain types of brain tumors, including medulloblastomas, occur almost exclusively in children.
Exposure to radiation. People who were exposed to the type of radiation called ionizing radiation have an increased risk of brain tumors. Examples of ionizing radiation is radiation therapy used to treat cancer and exposure to radiation caused by atomic bombs. Most common forms of radiation, such as electromagnetic fields, power lines and radio-frequency radiation, cell phones and microwave ovens, has been shown to be associated with brain tumors.
Exposure to chemicals at work. People working in certain industries may have an increased risk of brain tumors, probably because of the chemicals they are exposed on the job.
Family history of brain tumors. A small percentage of brain tumors occur in people with a family history of brain tumors or a family history of genetic syndromes that increase the risk of brain tumors.
causes of brain tumer
The brain cancer symptoms vary from patient to patient, and most of these symptoms can also be found in people without brain cancer. Therefore, the only sure way to know if you have brain cancer or not, consult your doctor and get a brain scan.
We did a survey of more than 400 brain cancer patients to learn about the symptoms they had originally asked for medical attention.
They reported:
Headaches: This was the most common symptom, with 46% of patients who reported having headaches. They described the headaches in many different ways, and a model is a sure sign of brain cancer. Many - perhaps most - people headaches at some point in their lives, so this is not a clear sign of brain tumors. You should talk to your doctor if your headaches are different than you ever have before, are accompanied by nausea / vomiting, are aggravated by bending or difficult, when you go to the bathroom. (1)
Seizures: what was the second most frequently reported symptoms by 33% of patients reporting a seizure before the diagnosis was made. Seizures can be caused by other things such as epilepsy, high fever, stroke, trauma and other ailments. (3) This is a symptom that should never be ignored, for whatever reason. In a person who has never had a seizure before, it usually indicates something serious and you should get a brain scan.
A crisis is a sudden and involuntary change in behavior, muscle control, and / or sensitivity awareness. Attack symptoms can vary from sudden agitation, violent and total loss of consciousness or muscle contractions slight tremor in a limb. Staring into space, altered vision, slurred speech and some other behaviors that can make a person while having a seizure. Approximately 10% of U.S. population experience a single seizure in their lives.
Nausea and vomiting, such as headaches, these symptoms are nonspecific - meaning that most people who have nausea and vomiting is not brain cancer. Twenty-two percent of the population in our survey reported nausea and / or vomiting as a symptom.
Nausea and / or vomiting are more likely to point to a brain cancer if it is accompanied by other symptoms mentioned here.
Vision or hearing problems: Twenty-five percent reported vision problems. It's easy - if you notice a problem hearing or vision should be checked. I have often heard that the ophthalmologist is the first to make the diagnosis - because when you look in your eyes, you can sometimes see signs of intracranial hypertension. This should be investigated.
Problems with the weakness in the arms, legs or facial muscles, and strange sensations in the head or hands. Twenty five percent reported weakness in the arms and / or legs. Sixteen percent reported strange sensations in my head, and 9% reported strange sensations in your hands. This can result in an altered gait, falling objects, falling, or an asymmetric facial expression. These can also be symptoms of a stroke. Sudden onset of symptoms is an emergency - you must go to the emergency room. If you notice a gradual change over time, you should report to your doctor.
Behavioral and cognitive problems: Many reported behavioral and cognitive changes, such as problems in recent memory, inability to concentrate or find the right words, the performance - no patience or tolerance, and loss of inhibitions - saying or do things that are not appropriate for the situation.
If you think something is wrong, go see your doctor. Explain that you are concerned, is the brain cancer. Note that brain cancers are relatively rare compared with most other disorders, so the primary care physician usually will not think it is brain cancer. They think first of the most common causes of these symptoms. Sixty-four percent of the time, the doctor thought it was brain cancer when first interviewed by the doctor. More than half said they had symptoms for more than a month before the correct diagnosis of brain cancer has been made. With malignant brain cancer, within one month of starting treatment can have a major impact on results.
Monday, 8 August 2011
reasons for pimples
Family history
People with a family history of acne have an increased risk of acne.
Many studies have shown that eating too many refined foods increase the risk of developing acne.
Some cosmetic products may contain lanolin is a fatty acid extracted from sheep wool and is used in soothing skin lotions as an agent and smoothed. This substance can clog pores. If the pore is clogged, a Whitehead is formed.
People living in humid areas are more likely to know the type of severe acne that clog pores and produce more sebum.
Sun exposure is the main cause of skin cancer and complications of acne.
Several studies have shown that adolescents with stress were 23% more likely to develop acne than those without stress. The sebaceous glands enlarged and stress triggers the production of oil. As a result, the sebum can not get out and breaks in the lining of the hair follicle.
Drugs or medication
There are some medications that produce and aggravate acne, such as antibiotics, steroids, antidepressants, tranquilizers and oral contraceptives.
Today, the problem of acne or pimples and blacks were very common in adolescents. Prehaps more disturbing is the signal that you get when you step into your life in those years, which are always marked by these unwanted skin problems. So, I'm going to give you some advice with regard to the above problem. Hopefully, it will definitely help people solve problems.
Points Blacks And Acne / Pimples
When the oil is collected and hardens in the pores of the skin as blackheads are formed. Oily skin is not only attracts dust, but also continuing to lay the dead cells. Dirt, oil, sweat and drop tend to plug up and clog pores. The pores are exposed to dust and air, so they turn black and called comedones. Because of blackheads, pores become clogged and infected sebaceous glands resulting in pimples. If the infection progresses, the failure mechanism of the sebaceous glands and attack the inner layer of the skin that gives way to a state prone to acne.
Points Blacks And Acne / Pimples
When the oil is collected and hardens in the pores of the skin as blackheads are formed. Oily skin is not only attracts dust, but also continuing to lay the dead cells. Dirt, oil, sweat and drop tend to plug up and clog pores. The pores are exposed to dust and air, so they turn black and called comedones. Because of blackheads, pores become clogged and infected sebaceous glands resulting in pimples. If the infection progresses, the failure mechanism of the sebaceous glands and attack the inner layer of the skin that gives way to a state prone to acne.
risk factor of obesity
Body fat is good for you. It protects internal organs, insulate the body and softens the blows.
However, obesity is dangerous and overweight can cause serious problems and obese people are two to three times the chance of premature death compared with those of normal weight.
A person called obese when BMI is over 30 when the BMI is over 40, talk about morbid obesity, which poses a serious threat to human health. Other body mass index.
Obese person has a weight that far exceeds the ideal one to evaluate the health point of view (and an insurance point of view).
Obese person at risk of various diseases that are associated with obesity and is more likely to happen when obesity is higher.
These diseases are: diabetes, gallstones, respiratory failure, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, osteoarthritis of the spine and lower limbs, reproductive abnormalities, cancer.
Obesity is the state also has a special risk factor for anesthesia accidents, if you need to undergo surgery under general anesthesia.
It has been proven that these risks can be greatly reduced by keeping some parameters under control. Paradoxically, among them the weight will be less influential. Recent research has shown that initial weight loss of 10% is sufficient. It's an easy target to achieve and maintain and in time, it is a factor sufficient to reduce mortality from obesity by 20%, mortality decreased by 40% associated with a risk of cancer, and reduce mortality by 30% associated with diabetes.
Thus, a small weight loss can bring great health benefits. But how can we define the risk index in more detail? How do we know if a good opportunity to lose weight?
After calculating your BMI, you also need to measure the size because it measures the level of abdominal obesity, because abdominal obesity levels is another factor that is directly linked to health risks of obesity.
However, the measure of size is a useful figure only when the BMI value is less than 35% as if it is higher, this means that the rate of risk is too high. You can minimize the risk of obesity-related diseases, the measures of size should be less than 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men.
types of obesity
The fat distribution in body is identified among three types of obesity Android, Gynoid and the third type. Android obesity is male type obesity where excess fat is accumulated in the upper half of the body like the shape of an apple. Gynoid type of obesity has fat accumulation in the lower part of the body, seen on both the genders but more commonly in women, and is similar to pear shape
Android: -Android type of obesity is likened to the shape of an apple. The shoulders, face, arms, neck, chest & upper portion of the abdomen are bloated. The stomach gives a stiff appearance. So also the arms, shoulders & breast. The back seems to be erect but the neck is compressed and there will be protruding chest because of the bulk in the stomach. The lower portion of the body the hips, thighs & legs are thinner beyond proportion in comparison with the upper part. In these persons the vital organs affected will be mostly the heart, liver, kidneys & lungs. Though this typed of obesity is found more in males it is common in females too. Those females, who are under hormone treatment for their menstrual abnormalities or after childbirth, are more prone to this type of obesity. It occurs in females around menopause too due to thyroid gland's functional disturbance. In this type, the excess flesh is less likely to reduce especially in female than males. Android type of obesity is a major risk for heart damage & heart disease due to high cholesterol.
Gynoid : In this type the lower part of the body has the extra flesh. This type of obesity is also common to both sexes though females are more affected. Gynoid type of obesity is similar to pears. The flesh is somewhat flabby in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks & legs. The face & neck mostly give a normal appearance. In some persons, the cheeks may be drawn too. As these persons grow old the whole figure assumes a stooping posture and the spine is never erect due to the heavy hips & thighs. Vital organs affected mostly are the kidneys, uterus, intestines, bladder & bowls. But the functions of these organs some times have a direct effect on the heart. In this type of obesity, exercises or dieting will not help appreciably in reducing weight. Here unani herbal medicine is the only hope. One should have more patience & undertake proper treatment to achieve the coal of reducing weight & preventing further weight again.
The third type: - Besides android & gynoid, there is one more type of obesity. Some persons neither belong to android or to gynoid category. Their whole body from head to toe looks like a barrel. Their gait is more to rolling rather than walking. The fat tissues in their body hinder the movement of all the internal organs & consequently affect their brisk functioning. For them any exercise is difficult due to the enormous size of the body. So such person should follow a strict in diet & do plenty of exercise.
causes of obesity
In general, a variety of factors that play a role in obesity. This makes it a complex health issue to address. This section will address how behavior, environment and genetic factors may have an effect on getting people who are overweight and obese.
When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight for life, the bottom line is - calories count! Weight management is a balancing act - balancing the calories you consume with the number of calories your body uses or "burns".
A calorie is defined as a unit of energy from food. A calorie is a calorie regardless of its source. Whether you eat carbohydrates, fats, sugars or proteins, all contain calories.
Calorie balance is like a ladder. To stay in balance and maintain body weight, calories consumed (food) must be balanced by the calories used (in normal body functions, daily activities and sports).
treatment for diabetes
goal of diabetes treatment is to keep blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible. There are three basic treatments:
1. Diet: Changes in the diet of 30% fat (fat, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats mostly), carbohydrates 40-55% (index fiber, low glycemic index) and 15% protein. The breakdown of carbohydrates and calories during the day are important, and to limit total calories to achieve an ideal weight around. This configuration reduces the blood glucose and lipid levels.
2. Exercise: Exercise burns calories and muscle glycogen, which lowers blood sugar. Exercise reduces insulin resistance, allowing insulin to control blood glucose levels normal.
3rd Medical:
- Oral medications to lower blood glucose levels by increasing release of insulin by the pancreas, the reduction of available glucose or decrease insulin resistance.
- Drug injecting:
Insulin is injected to replace the insulin the body can not produce. Insulin lowers blood sugar.
Exenatide (brand name Byetta) is an incretin mimetic that mimics a hormone that creates more insulin. Also works as an appetite suppressant.
Pramlintide is a synthetic form of amylin hormone, which is limited to a diabetic. Amylin slows gastric lavage, and regulates the amount of glucose in the blood level increases.
Diet and exercise are the basis for treatment. Medications - oral medications or injections of insulin and other substances - are added, if the target blood glucose is achieved.
causes of diabetes
Hereditary or inherited traits: He firmly believes that because certain genes from one generation to another, a person may inherit diabetes. It depends on the close ties of blood that the mother has diabetes, the risk is 2 or 3%, father is diabetic, the risk is higher than the previous case, and if both parents are diabetic, the child at increased risk for diabetes.
Age: Age is a factor that gives more options than in the young. This disease can occur at any age, but 80% of cases occur after age 50, the increase in incidence with age factor.
Poor diet (malnutrition related diabetes): improper diet, low in protein and fiber, high intake of refined products are expected for the causes of diabetes.
Obesity and fat distribution: Being overweight means increased insulin resistance, when body fat exceeds 30%, BMI 25 +, 35 inches in size grith women or 40 inches males.
Sedentary lifestyle: People with a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to diabetes, compared with those who exercise three times a week is a low risk of falling prey to diabetes.
Stress: any physical injury or emotional problems are often blamed as the cause of the disease. Any interruption in therapy or ACTH Cortiosteroid can lead to clinical signs of disease.
Drug: clozapine (Clozaril), olanzapine (Zyprexa), risperidone (Risperdal), quetiapine (Seroquel) and ziprasidone (Geodon) are known to cause this deadly disease.
Infection: Some of strephylococci is supposed to be the factor responsible for the infection in the pancreas.
Gender: Diabetes is often seen in elderly females, mostly men, but strong among women and people with multiple pregnancy or suffering from (PCOS), polycystic ovary syndrome.
Hypertension: It has been reported in many studies that there is a direct correlation between systolic blood pressure and diabetes.
Plasma lipids and lipoproteins, triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood is associated with hyperglycemia, in some cases we have studied the risk of trafficking, including low HDL levels in circulating blood.
types of diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is sometimes called insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile onset autoimmune diseases. It is caused by an autoimmune reaction where the body's defense system attacks insulin-producing cells. The reason this happens is not fully understood. People with type 1 diabetes produce little or no insulin. The disease can affect people of any age but usually occurs in children or young adults. People with this type of diabetes need daily insulin injections to control glucose levels in the blood. If people with type 1 diabetes have no access to insulin, which will die.
Type 2 diabetes accounts for at least 90% of cases of diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is sometimes called non-insulin-dependent diabetes or adult-onset diabetes, and represents at least 90% of all cases of diabetes. E 'characterized by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency, both of which may be present when the diabetes becomes clinically apparent. The diagnosis of type 2 diabetes usually occurs after age 40, but may occur earlier, especially among high incidence of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes may go unnoticed, many yearsand the diagnosis is often made of complications, or otherwise through an abnormal blood or urine glucose tests. Often, but not always, associated with obesity, which in turn may cause insulin resistance and leads to high levels of glucose in the blood.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
symptoms of bone cancer
The experience of one or more of these symptoms does not mean you have bone cancer. However, it is possible that the symptoms of another illness or injury that may require medical attention yet, so you should not ignore.
Here are some potential symptoms of bone cancer:
Bone pain: Pain in the bones is usually seen as the tumor begins to grow. At first, the pain may only occur at certain times of the day. As cancer develops, the pain may become permanent. Other conditions, such as osteoporosis or arthritis, can also cause bone or joint pain.
Swelling: The area where the pain is located can begin to show signs of swelling.
Fractures: Cancer cells can weaken bones. Sometimes this can lead to fractures.
Reduced mobility: in some cases, if the location of the tumor is close to town, you can make a normal movement difficult or painful.
Other signs: unintentional weight loss and fatigue can lead to bone pain. Other symptoms may develop if the cancer has spread to other organs.
Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety is a physiological and psychological state of a person. Anxiety is a feeling of discomfort, worry a lot and have lots of.
This is not a disease or illness, but an uncontrollable mood of a human being due to the immense pressure and unknown fear. The main reason why a person may be anxious to stress something. Anxiety is not all bad for you, but it gives a person enough energy or the courage to face something or perform a work in progress, but when anxiety becomes excessive and out of hand, so-called disorder anxiety, and should be treated by a doctor with experience to avoid problems. This can not be classified as serious, but can be easily handled by a good doctor.
Symptoms - anxiety can occur when there is nausea, difficulty breathing, pain, stomach pain or chest of a person. When anxiety occurs one person gets panic attacks. A person with a panic attack feels like it is dying or passing out. It is often mistaken for a heart attack. A person with a panic attack starts to sweat a lot. Not all people with anxiety, panic attacks, but they come without warning and the victim seem to vanish.
To avoid the anxiety of a person can not avoid the queues of caffeine, etc. Also avoid smoking or stop using other medications not prescribed by a doctor. Do some exercise every day to light that your body can stay in shape and your mind can not remain calm. Yoga is one of the best methods for Getro anxiety disorder.
This is not a disease or illness, but an uncontrollable mood of a human being due to the immense pressure and unknown fear. The main reason why a person may be anxious to stress something. Anxiety is not all bad for you, but it gives a person enough energy or the courage to face something or perform a work in progress, but when anxiety becomes excessive and out of hand, so-called disorder anxiety, and should be treated by a doctor with experience to avoid problems. This can not be classified as serious, but can be easily handled by a good doctor.
Symptoms - anxiety can occur when there is nausea, difficulty breathing, pain, stomach pain or chest of a person. When anxiety occurs one person gets panic attacks. A person with a panic attack feels like it is dying or passing out. It is often mistaken for a heart attack. A person with a panic attack starts to sweat a lot. Not all people with anxiety, panic attacks, but they come without warning and the victim seem to vanish.
To avoid the anxiety of a person can not avoid the queues of caffeine, etc. Also avoid smoking or stop using other medications not prescribed by a doctor. Do some exercise every day to light that your body can stay in shape and your mind can not remain calm. Yoga is one of the best methods for Getro anxiety disorder.
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Baldness is the loss of hair in men and women.
Hair falling out,principally when it is washed.This phenomenon also occurs most frequently with middle - aged and older men.
Causes: The most frequent causes are:accumulation of oil or seborrhea on the scalp and the blocking pores where the hair follicles are located.Improper hair care increases the problem.Another cause can be a lack of adequate vitamins and proteins needed for the hair growth.
Also,hair loss can be more prevalent person is under excessive stress suffers from anorexia nervosa,or dyes his/her hair.
1.Wash hair everyday with Anti dandruff shampoo,this helps to open the pores and eliminate seborrhea and dandruff.
2.let hot water run directly onto the scalp for a few mins.This will help to open pores.
3.Apply rejuvenating mask twice a week and wash it after 15 minutes this help to restore the health of the hair and its glow.
4.Take multivitamin and also proteins and amino acid.
5.Prevents hair loss and niacin helps the blood circulate
Hair falling out,principally when it is washed.This phenomenon also occurs most frequently with middle - aged and older men.
Also,hair loss can be more prevalent person is under excessive stress suffers from anorexia nervosa,or dyes his/her hair.
1.Wash hair everyday with Anti dandruff shampoo,this helps to open the pores and eliminate seborrhea and dandruff.
2.let hot water run directly onto the scalp for a few mins.This will help to open pores.
3.Apply rejuvenating mask twice a week and wash it after 15 minutes this help to restore the health of the hair and its glow.
4.Take multivitamin and also proteins and amino acid.
5.Prevents hair loss and niacin helps the blood circulate
An abscess is the accumulation of pus in a given body,whether internal or external. It frequency occurs in the gums.
The most common symptoms are fever,irritation, inflammation and pain .
Abscess can form in part of the body: The skin,the brain,the arms,the gums,the stomach lining,the ears or the kidneys.The type of problem caused depends on where the abscess is located.
In some cases,a small operation is required to open abscess in order to drain the pus that has accumulated.However most of the time it can be eliminated with some natural antibiotic like garlic.Applying ice to the affected areas eases the discomfort and lowers inflammation.It is vital to strengthen the immune system.Therefore it is suggested to take Echinacea,Vit A,C,E and garlic.
The most common symptoms are fever,irritation, inflammation and pain .
In some cases,a small operation is required to open abscess in order to drain the pus that has accumulated.However most of the time it can be eliminated with some natural antibiotic like garlic.Applying ice to the affected areas eases the discomfort and lowers inflammation.It is vital to strengthen the immune system.Therefore it is suggested to take Echinacea,Vit A,C,E and garlic.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
It is certain that the main reason of cancer is excessive oxidation at the the cellular level.As the causes of increased oxidation are numerous it would be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause.the main two reasons are
1.Inadequate nutrition.
2.Lack of exercise.
The best way for tackling cancer lies in repairing DNA which is causing uncontrolled cell generation .Provide sufficient nutrition through high quality food supplements which can strengthen your cellular immunity system which can remove the cancerous cell from the body/organ.
1.Inadequate nutrition.
2.Lack of exercise.
The best way for tackling cancer lies in repairing DNA which is causing uncontrolled cell generation .Provide sufficient nutrition through high quality food supplements which can strengthen your cellular immunity system which can remove the cancerous cell from the body/organ.
1.Carcinomas: Which affects the skin , mucous membrane and the glands.
Suggested Treatment:
Vitamins:A,B complex, Niacin, Folic acid, C,E.
Minerals:Multi minerals, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium.
Suggested Treatment:
omega3 , garlic heart care,
Suggested Treatment:
Vitamins:A,Bcomplex,C,E. Omega3
Minerals:Pottasium, Calcium , Magnesium ,Selenium
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