Monday, 8 August 2011

risk factor of obesity

Body fat is good for you. It protects internal organs, insulate the body and softens the blows.

However, obesity is dangerous and overweight can cause serious problems and obese people are two to three times the chance of premature death compared with those of normal weight.

A person called obese when BMI is over 30 when the BMI is over 40, talk about morbid obesity, which poses a serious threat to human health. Other body mass index.

Obese person has a weight that far exceeds the ideal one to evaluate the health point of view (and an insurance point of view).

Obese person at risk of various diseases that are associated with obesity and is more likely to happen when obesity is higher.

These diseases are: diabetes, gallstones, respiratory failure, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, osteoarthritis of the spine and lower limbs, reproductive abnormalities, cancer.

Obesity is the state also has a special risk factor for anesthesia accidents, if you need to undergo surgery under general anesthesia.

It has been proven that these risks can be greatly reduced by keeping some parameters under control. Paradoxically, among them the weight will be less influential. Recent research has shown that initial weight loss of 10% is sufficient. It's an easy target to achieve and maintain and in time, it is a factor sufficient to reduce mortality from obesity by 20%, mortality decreased by 40% associated with a risk of cancer, and reduce mortality by 30% associated with diabetes.

Thus, a small weight loss can bring great health benefits. But how can we define the risk index in more detail? How do we know if a good opportunity to lose weight?

After calculating your BMI, you also need to measure the size because it measures the level of abdominal obesity, because abdominal obesity levels is another factor that is directly linked to health risks of obesity.

However, the measure of size is a useful figure only when the BMI value is less than 35% as if it is higher, this means that the rate of risk is too high. You can minimize the risk of obesity-related diseases, the measures of size should be less than 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men.

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